• Integrated Method for Determining Quantum Yield through Combined Microscopy Techniques. E. Cortes et al. EP23207502, 2023.
  • Advanced optical microscopy for real-time dynamics of energy materials. E. Cortes et al. EP23198634, 2023.
  • Embedding of catalytically active nanoparticles into superstructures of plasmonic nanoparticles to enhance the photocatalytic activity. M. Herran, F. Schulz, E. Cortes. 22 186 109.9. July 2022.
  • Nano-detection, SERS active surfaces based on multi-scale antennas. N. Tognalli, E. Cortés, E. Calvo, M. E. Vela, A. Fainstein, R. C. Salvarezza. P20100102376. July 2010.